Moosehill Outdoor Apparel Blog - Are Fleece Pants Good for Hiking?-hiking clothing, hiking pants, hiking pants men, hiking shorts, hiking pants women, hiking clothing for women
Hiking Advice

Are Fleece Pants Good for Hiking?

Benefits of Fleece Pants for Hiking: including comfort, breathability, moisture management, and waterproof protection. Learn why these versatile, lightweight pants are perfect for all seasons and o...
What Do You Need to Wear for Hiking?
Hiking Advice

What Do You Need to Wear for Hiking?

Do you know the best hiking outfits for comfort and protection? Learn about layering, footwear, waterproof gear, and essential accessories to enhance your hiking experience. Here are some tips for ...
How to Care for and Maintain Mountain Bike Shorts?
Biking Advice

How to Care for and Maintain Mountain Bike Shorts?

How to care for and maintain your mountain bike shorts to ensure longevity, comfort, and performance? Discover essential tips for washing, drying, and storing your shorts, along with advice on main...
Benefits of Wearing Mountain Bike Shorts
Biking Advice

Benefits of Wearing Mountain Bike Shorts

What's the essential benefits of wearing mountain bike shorts for enhanced comfort, protection, and freedom of movement on challenging terrains? Learn how to choose the right pair based on fit, mat...
Maximise Comfort and Performance with the Right Mountain Bike Shorts
Biking Advice

Maximise Comfort and Performance with the Right Mountain Bike Shorts

How can the right mountain bike shorts enhance your comfort, performance, and protection on challenging terrains? Learn about essential features like reinforced fabrics, padding, and tailored fits ...
Misunderstandings in the selection and use of mountain bike parts
Biking Advice

Malentendidos en la selección y uso de piezas de bicicleta de montaña.

Con la popularización del ciclismo, los tipos y formas de piezas de bicicleta de montaña son cada vez más diversos. Muchos ciclistas, mientras buscan un alto rendimiento y apariencia de piezas, pas...
Tips for preventing bicycle chain breakage and detachment
Biking Advice

Consejos para prevenir roturas y desprendimientos de la cadena de bicicleta

¿Qué crisis encontrarán las cadenas viejas y dañadas? Si descuida el mantenimiento de la cadena durante mucho tiempo, límpiela y lubríquela periódicamente. La cadena se atascará en un ambiente con ...
Analysis and Prevention of Bicycle Tire Blowout
Biking Advice

Análisis y prevención de reventones de neumáticos de bicicletas

Las bicicletas deportivas a menudo tienen neumáticos reventados cuando salen a realizar actividades, lo que a menudo da a los demás la idea errónea de que la bicicleta no es lo suficientemente resi...
Reasons and solutions for back pain during cycling
Biking Advice

Razones y soluciones para el dolor de espalda durante el ciclismo

El dolor de espalda es el problema más común entre los ciclistas de montaña, y tanto los principiantes como los deportistas profesionales se quejan de este problema. El Dr. Edward Shang, experto de...