Camping in the wilderness? Let's pitch a tent together!

Camping in the wilderness? Let's pitch a tent together!

Setting up a tent is not complicated, but choosing a safe and comfortable campsite is more important than the tent itself.

1. Choosing a Location

First, follow the principles of environmental protection and avoid damaging the natural landscape or digging into vegetation to create a campsite.

Next, prioritize safety:

  • Look up and avoid areas with falling rocks or debris, as well as hilltops prone to strong winds and lightning strikes.
  • Look down and be cautious of flood-prone areas, heavy rain, high tides, cliffs, and animal habitats.

2: Clearing the Area

Estimate the tent's footprint and remove sharp stones, branches, or any objects that could potentially cause injury within the designated area.

3: Pitching the Tent

During the tent setup process, make sure to secure all the tent bags and unused accessories to prevent them from being blown away by the wind.

Step 1:

Fully open the inner tent and adjust the orientation of the tent door, preferably facing away from the wind and towards the campsite.

Quickly insert the tent poles into their corresponding pole sleeves.

Raise the tent and promptly secure the four corners of the inner tent with stakes, ensuring the stakes are inserted at a 45° angle.

Step 2:

Open the outer tent and identify the position of the tent door. Connect and secure the outer tent to the inner tent, tightening the connecting ropes at the four corners. Also, secure the vestibule of the tent using stakes.

Remember to tension the guy lines in the specified direction. Guy lines help keep the outer tent taut, allowing rain and dew to slide off.

Finally, store all the accessory bags and remaining items inside the tent.

Place the moisture-proof mat first and then open the sleeping bag. Your cozy and comfortable home in the wilderness is now set up!

Special Notes:

  • Take off your shoes before entering the tent.
  • Smoking or open flames are not recommended inside the tent, as the tent itself, sleeping bags, moisture-proof mats, backpacks, and other items inside are flammable.

After the camping trip, it's important to pack up the tent properly.

1: Remove all items from inside the tent. Then, detach the outer tent and shake off any frost or dew. You can also let it air dry before packing it up.

2: Remove the stakes and shake off any leaves or sand from the inner tent. Fold and store the tent poles, ensuring everything is accounted for before placing them in their respective bags.

3: Close the inner tent door, and fold the inner tent, making sure it is slightly wider than the folded tent poles. Roll up the inner and outer tents, along with the tent poles, tightly together, and pack them into the tent bag.

Lastly, when leaving the campsite, make sure to properly dispose of any waste generated during the camping trip.

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